Current status of all Tradier API services.
Up-to-date status of Tradier API services. As events unfold, we'll include details about current services and any issues associated with them. If you are concerned we are having a widespread issue, feel free to reach out to us at
Order placement, editing, and execution.
Real-time quotes and chains data.
Market data streaming services.
Intraday balance updates. and
Customers were experiencing connection issues and sporadic data.
Some customers are experiencing issues with account services.
All account based API services and web sites were unavailable to all customers.
We wanted to provide some more detail and full transparency around the issues the Tradier platform suffered during the pre-market and early parts of the standard sessions yesterday.
A routine release was started at 4 AM EST to deploy some critical updates and fixes to back-office systems. Typically, a release of this nature would take approximately 45 minutes to complete, ensuring adequate time for testing of system availability.
During this release, an issue occurred that required escalation with our infrastructure provider to reset the system and clear a deadlock. Our team, in conjunction with infrastructure support teams, was able to clear the lock and restore access to the database. Upon service restoration, it became clear that database issues were still prevalent so a backup restoration was started and a number of small deployments were required to switch to the restored instance.
Full API access was re-enabled at 9:44 allowing for normal activity. At 10:33 we encountered a lingering issue related to authentication between servers and the problematic server was removed from service, this was quickly resolved for affected customers.
Any type of outage that impacts customers during the market session is completely unacceptable to the Tradier Brokerage and Technology teams. This is even more so the case considering the unprecedented fluctuations in today's market climate.
As a result of these changes, we'll be making the following adjustments to our release process and products:
We apologize to all of our customers who were impacted by yesterday's outage. As always, we'll strive to improve the systems to offer innovative, secure, and reliable trading experiences for everyone.