Onboarding customers is a delicate process and we’ve done our best to give you the most control over that process as possible. Due to some regulations and compliance needs, please follow the below guidelines while building your online account opening process.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach techsupport@tradier.com
During the onboarding process, it makes sense to store customer information. However, once the application is processed we recommend obfuscating or removing sensitive information that isn’t necessary for day-to-day operations.
Storing Customer Information
Please make sure all sensitive information is encrypted and secured. In the event of a data breach, please informservice@tradierbrokerage.com
According to FINRA rule 4512, it is required to present to all applicants 65 or older with the option of providing a “Trusted Contact Person” if the applicant requests this addition, it is necessary to collect the name, email, and phone number for the trusted contact.
For details of how to submit this in the application, please refer to the Application data structure. There is also an request example in the Individual Cash Application JSON.
: Customers should provide their legal name.identity.citizenshipCountry
: If this equals “USA” identity.permanentResident
response is not required.identity.permanentResident
: Tradier Brokerage is able to open accounts for US Citizens and Permanent Residents. Please send YES
or NO
for this field, if necessary.contact.homeAddress
: A US address is required for the home address and may not be a PO Box.
: Question must be presented with the following text:
Are you or any member of your immediate family, or any of your personal or business associates a senior political figure??
: Question must be presented with the following text:
Are you or any of your family members a director, 10% shareholder or policy making officer of a publicly traded company?
: Question must be presented with the following text:
Are you or any of your family members affiliated with any securities firm, bank, securities regulatory body, insurance company or trust company?
: Must include text noting that total is excluding residence.
: Must include text noting that total is cash and liquid investments only.
{value: '0-50000', label: '$0 - $50,000'},
{value: '50001-100000', label: '$50,001 - $100,000'},
{value: '100001-200000', label: '$100,001 - $200,000'},
{value: '200001-500000', label: '$200,001 - $500,000'},
{value: '500001-1000000', label: '$500,001 - $1,000,000'},
{value: '1000001-5000000', label: '$1,000,001 - $5,000,000'},
{value: '5000001-9999999', label: '$5,000,000+'}
{value: '0-50000', label: '$0 - $50,000'},
{value: '50001-100000', label: '$50,001 - $100,000'},
{value: '100001-200000', label: '$100,001 - $200,000'},
{value: '200001-500000', label: '$200,001 - $500,000'},
{value: '500001-1000000', label: '$500,001 - $1,000,000'},
{value: '1000001-5000000', label: '$1,000,001 - $5,000,000'},
{value: '5000001-9999999', label: '$5,000,000+'}
{value: '0-25000', label: '$0 - $25,000'},
{value: '25001-50000', label: '$25,001 - $50,000'},
{value: '50001-100000', label: '$50,001 - $100,000'},
{value: '100001-200000', label: '$100,001 - $200,000'},
{value: '200001-300000', label: '$200,001 - $300,000'},
{value: '300001-500000', label: '$300,001 - $500,000'},
{value: '500001-1200000', label: '$500,001 - $1,200,000'},
{value: '1200001-9999999', label: '$1,200,000+'}
and investmentProfile.investmentObjective
label: 'High/Speculation',
description: 'I am willing to accept maximum risk to my initial principal to aggressively seek maximum returns, and I understand I could lose most, or all, of the money invested.',
value: 'high/speculation'
label: 'Medium/Growth',
description: 'I am willing to accept high risk to my principal, including high volatility, to seek high returns over time, and I understand I could lose a substantial amount of the money invested.',
value: 'medium/growth'
label: 'Low/Income',
description: 'I am willing to accept low risk to my initial principal, including low volatility, to seek a modest level of portfolio returns.',
value: 'low/income'
This field is an average of two other required fields: investmentProfile.stockExperience
and investmentProfile.optionExperience
. During the application process you must present the customer with experience questions with the following values:
{value: 0, label: '0 Years'},
{value: 1, label: '1 to 2 Years'},
{value: 2, label: '3 to 5 Years'},
{value: 3, label: 'More than 5 Years'}
Their response is stored in investmentProfile.stockExperience
and investmentProfile.optionExperience
. The average value is then mapped to his array: ['none','limited','good','extensive']
for the investmentProfile.investmentExperience
After an application has been submitted your customer will be presented the appropriate agreements and disclosures via an email from Tradier Brokerage.
During the application process, we request that at a minimum you present the customer our “Customer Agreement” and “Privacy/CIP” disclosure. These can be found on the Tradier Brokerage web site.
During the ACH profile creation process, the customer must be presented with the “ACH Agreement” and the “Electronic Signature Acknowledgement.”