Once we’ve registered your business on our platform we’ll provide you with a client ID and a client secret. In the future, OAuth may be worthwhile, however all Advisor API calls are currently authenticated using HTTP Basic Authentication with these 2 values.
Client Id: kaGA65sIl79IdXxr3lnGs7J2C9CywQtJ
Client secret: ueeKzJOEh0fh6Dh8
The Authorization header is constructed as follows:
For example, if the user agent uses ‘kaGA65sIl79IdXxr3lnGs7J2C9CywQtJ’ as the client Id and ‘ueeKzJOEh0fh6Dh8’ as the client secret then the header is formed as follows:
1. kaGA65sIl79IdXxr3lnGs7J2C9CywQtJ:ueeKzJOEh0fh6Dh8
2. a2FHQTY1c0lsNzlJZFh4cjNsbkdzN0oyQzlDeXdRdEo6dWVlS3pKT0VoMGZoNkRoOA==
3. Authorization: Basic a2FHQTY1c0lsNzlJZFh4cjNsbkdzN0oyQzlDeXdRdEo6dWVlS3pKT0VoMGZoNkRoOA==
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