
Open and update various types of accounts.

ACH Profiles

Create, update, and verify account ACH profiles.


Manage deposit and withdrawal transactions on an account.


Fetch statements, tax documents and trade confirmations for customers.


Manage and test evented webhooks.

Virtual Accounts

Create and update paper trading accounts.

ACAT Transfers

Manage ACAT Transfers on an account.


Examples, response types, property details and explanations.

ACH Profile

Field Description Type
id ACH profile Id Number
status Current status of the ACH profile String
approvalMethod Verification method used to approve the ACH profile String
bankAccount Bank Account number (masked) String
bankRoutingNumber Bank routing number String
bankAccountType Bank account type.
One of: checking, savings
bankAccountOwnerName Bank account owners full name String
nickname Nickname String
ipAddress IP address of the user who submitted the relationship String
createdAt Time the transaction was created. Timestamp
updatedAt Time the transaction was last updated. Timestamp