If you are leveraging the Tradier API for the purposes of displaying data or information, we ask that you provide some form of attribution. Most typically this is done through use of the Tradier logo with a link back to our site. If you are leveraging the Tradier API to trade, or facilitate others to trade with Tradier Brokerage, we do not require any attribution, however it would be appreciated.
If you have any questions about these attribution guidelines, please feel free to email us at techsupport@tradier.com and we'll provide you with feedback.
We offer a few simple ways/examples of attributing your integration to Tradier:
Powered by Tradier
<p>Powered by <a href=https://tradier.com title=”Powered by Tradier”>Tradier</a></p>
A vector SVG logo is provided below. Please resize to meet your needs, however do not alter the aspect ratio or logo in any way.