
Details about how to obtain access tokens using OAuth 2.0

Fetch positions, balances and other account related details.


Place equity and complex option trades including advanced orders.

Fetch quotes, chains and historical data via REST and streaming APIs.

Stream market data and account events in real-time.

Create and update custom watchlists.

Examples, response types, property details and explanations.

Getting Started with Advanced Orders

Advanced orders allow one to place a sequence of orders in a single request. Typically, they rely on triggering conditions set with the market center that will take a particular action on the orders.

Advanced Order Types

  • One-triggers-other (OTO) - if the first order is filled, the second order is placed.
  • One-cancels-other (OCO) - if the first order is filled, the second order is canceled.
  • One-triggers-one-cancels-other (OTOCO) - if the first order is filled, a one-cancels-other (OCO) is placed.


Sending multiple orders is similar to sending multiple legs in that each order’s property keys are indexed (symbol[2]) to specify the correct arrangement of the orders.


Advanced orders have some different validations than regular orders. Each order type, has some special validations that will be enforced on order placement.

One-cancels-other (OCO)

  • type must be different for both legs.
  • If both orders are equities, the symbol must be the same.
  • If both orders are options, the option_symbol must be the same.
  • If sending duration per leg, both orders must have the same duration.

One-triggers-one-cancels-other (OTOCO)

  • If all equity orders, second and third orders must have the same symbol.
  • If all option orders, second and third orders must have the same option_symbol.
  • Second and third orders must always have a different type.
  • If sending duration per leg, second and third orders must have the same duration.